Dear Brothers and Sisters,
There is a lot going on the parish. Much more than what we can share at times. Today I asked Jackie Chung to speak about her calling and the new mission that she is about to start. Please keep her in your prayers and all the youth who are searching for their call.
God Bless, Fr Steven
Dear Parishioners,
My name is Jacqueline (Jackie) Chung. I'm from Shrewsbury, MA, and Immaculate Conception is my home parish. It is here that I've received all of my Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation)! I am a regular at the 4:00pm Saturday Vigil Mass along with my parents- we usually sit in the front, left side of the Church. I have just graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a degree in Civil Engineering. My time at UMass was incredibly formative and I encountered Jesus in very real ways.
Going into my freshman year, I was committed to receiving the Sacraments, but my “why” was not strong. As an underclassman, everyone tells you to “get involved,” and “keep yourself busy.” I took this to heart and decided to sign up for some clubs and find ways to fill my schedule. Thanks be to God, one of the first clubs I signed up for was the NCSA (Newman Catholic Student Association). Shortly after that, a missionary reached out to me and invited me to an event… and then to her Bible Study. It was through these simple invitations and her contagious joy that I was led to an encounter with Christ. Suddenly, I found myself desiring to learn more about my Catholic faith and forming friendships centered around the Lord. I finally found what I had been searching for, the One that will truly satisfy. The One who calls me His beloved daughter. The One who has made me in His image and likeness. My relationship with God had never felt more alive.
During the summer, between my Sophomore and Junior year, I participated in FOCUS Summer Projects in Newry, Maine. This experience was another pivotal moment in my faith journey. I was surrounded by 40 other Catholic college students, worked a full-time job in food service, and had some of the best Catholic formation each week. We were taught by the missionaries living there with us how to lead Bible studies and formation groups. It was there that I learned how to live out the Christian life while managing a demanding work schedule.
It was through a FOCUS missionary that I was invited and led into a deeper relationship with God. It is my desire to invite other young college students to make Jesus the center of their lives and experience the great joy of the Gospel!
I'm writing all this to share some exciting news with you: during my senior year, I felt the call to give my life to the Lord in a radical way and become a full-time Catholic missionary with FOCUS! The Fellowship of Catholic University Students sends a team of missionaries to colleges all over the United States to evangelize our young people. I have been placed at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, RI, and will be moving there in mid-August!
Each FOCUS missionary has the unique opportunity to fundraise 100% of his/her mission budget. Part of the mission of FOCUS is to engage our family, friends and parish communities in the New Evangelization, inviting those outside of the college campus to participate as active members of our ministry through prayerful and financial support. This means that I will be funded by a support team of mission partners (individuals, families…etc.) who commit to supporting my mission on a monthly basis.
This is where you all come in! I would love to invite each of you to join my support team prayerfully and financially. If you are interested in hearing more about the good work FOCUS is doing on college campuses and joining my support team, you can visit this link: or scan the QR Code below with your phone. If it's easier for you, you may email your name and phone number to This will allow me to reach out to you and schedule an appointment soon!
Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. Be assured of my continued prayers for you all.
All Glory to God,
Jackie Chung
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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