Thank you for your faithful service to the worship at Immaculate Conception. As a review of the Liturgical Ministry Training, please keep in mind the following when you are assigned to serve a Mass.
Before Serving at Mass
- All lay liturgical ministers must complete a CORI (yearly), attend the Protecting God’s Children workshop (at least once) and file an application to Liturgical Ministry with the parish (at least once for veteran and new ministers).
- Be attentive to emails from the scheduling team and to “Ministry Scheduler Pro” (MSP). Scheduling responsibilities are transitioning to the parish staff, and we will rely upon you to enter your availability, request swaps, and accept swap requests using the program. We will not find replacements for liturgical servers.
- Read and prayerfully reflect on the readings prior to the Mass for which you are scheduled. Review the lector’s guide for questions related to pronunciation.
- Wear attire appropriate to the ministry.
Before Mass
- When scheduled please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the Mass and check-in with the priest to confirm your availability to serve as a lector. Review the announcements and/or prayers of the faithful.
- Verify that the Lectionary and the folder with prayers is placed at the ambo.
- After checking-in, please take your place at the entrance to the Church and greet people as they enter. As liturgical ministers, you are first and foremost a member of the body of Christ, and creating personal connections with other members of the body will help to strengthen relationships among our parish community. If there are visitors with questions, answer them to the best of your ability, or help the visitor to find someone with the answer (often in the bulletin).
Proclaiming the Word:
- Please remember this is a ministry and not about you as an individual. Do not draw attention to yourself before or during Mass.
- Lectors are asked to focus on clarity, projection, eye contact, pacing, intonation and practice. Lectoring tips include:
- Adjust the ambo microphone for your height before you read. The first lector should do this before Mass. Remember to take into account the difference in angle when you look down to read and be sure to speak into the microphone.
- Read to the image of Christ at the back of the Church. Project Christ’s Word back to Him. If he can’t hear you, chances are that others in the pews can’t hear you either.
- Clarity: speak clearly, loudly, and slowly. The purpose is to enunciate each word so that the congregation understands you. Don’t just read but proclaim the word!
- Memorize the first line (“A Reading from the Second Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians”) so that you can look at the congregation as you announce your reading. Make eye contact from time to time throughout your reading.
- When you practice and proclaim, think about the meaning and context of the reading and how this affects the manner in which it should be proclaimed. The Lector Workbook is a great tool for this. A link to an audible pronunciation guide can be found on:
- Note for daily lectors: raise your arms as a cue for the congregation to give the response during the responsorial psalm.
During Mass
- When the lectors are in the entrance procession they follow the other ministers and precede the clergy. Upon approaching the altar, those in procession reverence it with a deep bow. The lector then takes his/her seat in sanctuary or among worshipping body.
- After the opening rites the lector moves to the ambo. If seated in the assembly, the lector should process to center aisle, bow before altar, and proceed to the ambo. If seated in the sanctuary, it is not necessary to bow to the ambo, book, assembly, priest or tabernacle.
- After arriving at the ambo, the lector should wait for stillness before announcing the passage and pause slightly before the passage is proclaimed.
- Proclaim each reading exactly as contained in the Lectionary, without changes or additions of any kind. Eye contact is essential to effective proclamation, as is an unhurried pace and clear and correct pronunciation.
- When the passage is completed, pause again and make eye contact before announcing “The Word of the Lord.” The lector returns to his/her seat in silence.
- After the second reading the lector removes the Lectionary from the ambo to allow placement of The Book of the Gospels when used. This should be done reverently and simply. In the absence of a deacon, the lector announces the intentions for the prayer of the faithful from the ambo. If the Creed is prayed, the lector should move to the ambo during the last stanza and remain at the ambo until the final prayer of the intentions.
- Move to the front of the altar and reverence the altar with a bow. Return to your seat reverently and simply (without ceremony).