By Father Steven Clemence
March 21, 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Have you ever felt the weight of past mistakes pressing down on your heart, leading to sadness or hopelessness? The sacrament of confession, also known as reconciliation, offers a transformative path toward healing and renewal. As a priest, I assure you, our focus in confession is not on remembering your sins but on offering God’s forgiveness and guiding you back to the light. I want to share with you how to prepare for and experience the grace of confession. The first step is recognizing that Christ entrusted His apostles, beginning with Peter, with the authority to forgive sins. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them” (Jn 20:23). This power, given to Peter and passed down through the bishops, has been entrusted to us priests. We act in Christ’s name to offer forgiveness. As St. Augustine reminds us, “The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works” (Sermon 13.1). St. John Chrysostom also teaches, “Let us not be ashamed to confess our sins, but let us be ashamed of our sins” (Homily 3 on Matthew). This sacrament invites us to acknowledge our failings, that God may heal and renew us. Preparing for confession is an act of humility and grace. As we approach the sacrament, we should ask the Holy Spirit for help. The Holy Spirit comforts us, dispels our fears, and leads us back to God with hope. Like the prodigal son returning home, we too can experience the embrace of our Heavenly Father. Sin separates us from God, but reconciliation through confession restores us to Him. This sacrament is aptly named because it heals the rift caused by sin and restores our relationship with God. The process begins with an examination of conscience. Reflect prayerfully on your actions since your last confession. You can use guides available on our website under the sacraments section to help recall your sins. Whether you focus on the Ten Commandments or the Seven Deadly Sins, the goal is to remember your sins as best as you can. As St. Ambrose said, “Confession is the way to freedom.” Reflecting on our sins is not an exercise in shame, but an opportunity for growth. It’s natural to feel remorse, but we should also be grateful for the grace of recognizing our faults and the opportunity to be forgiven. With a resolve to abandon sin, we are then ready to approach the sacrament. If you have not confessed in a while, I recommend scheduling an appointment. This will give you time to reflect and prepare. When you come to confession, begin with the sign of the cross and say, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been ___ amount of time since my last confession, and these are my sins.” You may also share your marital status and whether you have children living with you, so the priest can best serve you. When confessing, there is no need to go into explicit detail—simply name the sin and its frequency. If you have forgotten any sins, say, “For these sins and the ones I don’t remember, I am sorry.” The priest will offer words of encouragement and may assign a penance. This penance is not a punishment, but a way to heal spiritually and undo the damage caused by sin. It strengthens you to resist sin in the future. Afterward, you will say the Act of Contrition: “O my God, I am sorry for my sins. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.” As St. Teresa of Avila reminds us, “The one who has been forgiven much loves much.” Finally, the priest will pronounce the words of absolution in the person of Christ: “I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” With this, your sins are forgiven, and you are made new, filled with joy and peace. As St. John Paul II said, “Confession is the door through which we enter into the embrace of God’s mercy.” Confessions are available here at the parish Monday through Friday from 6 to 7pm (along with adoration), Saturdays from 1–3 pm (in the lower church), or by scheduling an appointment at the office. May you experience the peace and freedom that come with reconciliation, and may your hearts be filled with renewed hope as you begin anew. God Bless, Fr. Steven