Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Every year we have the mission appeal weekend where a missionary visits us. This year we welcome Fr. Dennis Koltz, a PIME missionary. Next weekend, Fr. Koltz, will be here to speak to us at all the Masses for The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith is one of the four Pontifical Mission Societies represented here in the Archdiocese of Boston. Father Dennis will share stories of the missions and help us build a spiritual connection to others whose daily lives may be very different from ours. The Society of the Propagation of the Faith is the official mission agency of the Catholic Church dedicated to assisting and supporting laypeople, priests, and religious in their evangelizing missionary work. The Propagation is blessed to support the multitudes of "farmers" around the world -- men and women called by God to plant the seeds of our faith wherever He sends them. We call them missionaries; the crop they sow and tend is nothing less than the promise of eternal life. Please see the letter below.
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Every day, by word and action, missionaries bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to our brothers and sisters around the world. They depend on the
prayers and support of every Catholic so that our sacramental Church can grow.
In China, a family brings their baby to be baptized; through gifts to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Church is there -- hidden, but waiting -- to welcome this precious child. With water and oil, the seeds are sown. His family and Church will nourish a budding faith.
Children in the shanty towns of Peru process into their "capilla" -- parish chapel -- in white robes to receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. The robes are not only a sign of their purity before God, but also an equalizer. Many come from families too poor to afford a traditional First Communion outfit. With help from The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, missionaries teach them about Jesus, truly present in the sacrament, loving them equally. Their faith begins to bloom.
Before Mass in a rural outstation in Zambia, a mission priest hears confessions in the corner. The graces poured out onto the fertile souls of parishioners will yield a crop of faith beyond measure in the months to come. The church was built by local labor and by you -- donors to The Society, who are partners in this venture of faith.
Youth in Sri Lanka hold lit candles, inviting the Holy Spirit into their hearts at Confirmation to help them grow in His gifts. They are a sign to others that the Catholic faith grows strong wherever there are missionaries.
Couples are joined in marriage in Uganda. Their faith, brought to them by missionaries, will help them raise their family. They will nourish each other in faith until they near the end of their work in God's landscape. Then, perhaps because of the generous faithfulness of donors like you, they will be visited by a priest who will anoint them for their final season. Here in Boston, the Lord’s vineyard was plowed and planted by French missionaries who depended on support from the earliest collections of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Between 1830-1845, our young diocese received $45,000 to help to build our churches, health care facilities, orphanages, and provide faith formation for children and adults. In today’s dollars, that amounts to close to two million dollars! In a report in 1840, Boston’s Bishop Fenwick wrote, "Comparing the diocese in 1840 with the diocese in 1825, the difference is very great, thanks to the succors (help) of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith ... A few more years of kind attention on the part of the good Society, and all will be well; the diocese will be able to take care of itself, and of its own institutions."
Next weekend, please join us in sowing the seeds of faith -- through the sacraments -- by making a gift to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Envelopes will be in the pews next weekend for the second collection. You can also take the envelope home to mail your gift in or visit to donate. Please be sure to identify our parish so that Immaculate Conception is credited for your gift. Better still, commit to making a regular gift to the missions – become a Monthly Donor. $5, $10, $25 or more – whatever you budget allows – is like the Biblical loaves and fishes in the hands of missionaries. It is multiplied many times over for the benefit of countless people! May our hearts and minds be opened by the Holy Spirit to support and pray for all missionaries and the people they serve in the missions.
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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