Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the letter below from Janet Guzman. Janet is one of our parishioners who left on mission to the Caribbean last year.
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Hello, My name is Janet Guzman. Some of you may remember me from a blurb in the bulletin from about a year ago. I was starting my journey in discerning my vocation and I was sent to the Caribbean as a missionary teacher. Looking at the large number of youth on the island, priests felt that the island was in need of a chance at a Catholic Education. Thus, in August 2006, Holy Family Academy was established with just two classes, Kindergarten and First Grade with less than ten students. Today, we serve grades Pre-K to 12th grade and with the help of St. Thomas University, we are helping the students receive a college education as well. All together we have almost 200 students. At Holy Family Academy, our model is to live in humility, simplicity, and praise where the other is Christ.
For a lot of children, school is the place where they feel most loved. Most children come from broken families, suffer abuse and poverty. As a missionary teacher it is not only my duty to provide them an education but to help strengthen their faith and to remind them that they are loved by God. Every morning, the school gathers in the courtyard to begin our day with prayer. We always say “God is love, and he loves us.” This is our daily reminder not only for the students but also for the teachers. Some days are tough and it is hard to think that God could allow such situations in our lives. With this saying, we also remember that God makes everything perfect. In all of our situations, as hard as they may be, God is with us through it all because of His love for us.
Holy Family Academy has a unique spirituality unlike anything else I have ever experienced. A school in which the students are loving and kind to one another. If problems arise they are willing to forgive and ask for forgiveness. The students take active roles in the school. They lector, sing, and they also play musical instruments during the school liturgical celebrations. All of this is done without fear or shame. To be able to witness all of these miracles day in and day out has been a huge blessing for me. Not only do they learn from me, but I learn from them as well.
As a result of a wonderful year on mission, I feel as though God is calling me to do an additional year. This upcoming school year I will be teaching Social Studies and Science to the Kindergarten class as well as taking on Special Education and Physical Education. These classes hold a special place in my heart and I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for me. For this to be possible, I am accepting donations so that my classes may have what they need for the year. Being a missionary means that I do not receive any form of payment for my work. Everything I have is all thanks to the providence of God. Blessed be to God for providing the needs of the school through many generous benefactors and friends of the mission.
If you would like to make a donation, please visit my Amazon Wishlist by scanning the QR code. Anything and everything is very much appreciated. Pray for me, as I will be praying for all of you at Immaculate Conception.
Janet Guzman
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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