Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the letter below from Father Gabriel.
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Hello Parishioners,
Last week I had the opportunity to accompany 49 youth from our parish to the March for life in Washington D.C. While making our way down, we visited the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia where the remains of Saint Katherine Drexel are kept. There was a particular instance in her life that stood out to me. Once, while visiting St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, she was enchanted by a painting of the Virgin Mary. While kneeling in reverence to the image, she suddenly had this sense that Our Lady was speaking to her, inaudibly she received the message: “Freely give to others what you have received.” It resonated with me, because my initial calling shares something similar, I had an experience of an inaudible voice that compelled me to leave everything behind to follow Christ, and though I did not hear a thing, this voice was more compelling than any physical voice, it cried out to me in my innermost being.
Reflecting on Mother Drexel’s call, my own, and all of this in the context of the March for life led me to remember how the Lord, slowly but surely, softened my heart to heed this call which I initially ran away from. I began to remember my formators at the seminary preaching that there were many people that the Lord had appointed for us to reach in due time. Those words frustrated me then, I felt pinned between a rock and a hard place, wanting to leave behind the seminary, but knowing that if I did I’d be lying to myself. Nevertheless, this last pilgrimage made it apparent that in the youth that we took to the March, I was with those very people that my formators once spoke of. But far from frustrating me now, it was with great joy that I accompanied them. I was elated to see how they were moved by the experience, from the life of Mother Drexel, to the time in confession and Adoration, to the March itself. It was all impactful one way or another, and the Lord allowed me to be an instrument to bring this joy to these youth.
This experience brought me even deeper, because I also remembered that much of my resistance towards the vocation sprouted from my unmet desire to have a family of my own. I had felt that the Lord cheated me out of that life by sticking me with a vocation to the priesthood. However, on the pilgrimage to the March for Life, by ministering to these youth who received so much joy, I witnessed for myself the realness of spiritual fatherhood, and the fruitfulness of a celibate life, which is no less fruitful than that of married life. It brought me to see openness to life is not just a matter for those with a vocation to marriage, because when I was resisting and saying no to the Lord’s will before, I was saying no to the gift of life that would come in the form of those spiritual children that the Lord desired to entrust to me. I was refusing to lead these youth to happiness. This realization to some degree is painful, but also encouraging, because by seeing the abundance of grace that has come forth from trusting the Lord a little, it readies me to be less resistant and more eager to do His will in the future, even when I may not understand it.
God Bless,
Fr. Gabriel
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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