Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the information below about the Jubilee Year 2025 which officially opened on December 24, 2024, with the rite of Opening of the Holy Door of the Papal Basilica of St. Peter by the Holy Father, who then presided over the celebration of the Night Mass of the Lord's Birth inside the Basilica. The year will end in Rome on January 6, 2026. Archbishop Richard Henning officially opened the Jubilee Year in Boston on December 29, 2024 at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. The year in Boston will end on December 28, 2025. Our parish has been selected as a place of Pilgrimage for this Jubilee Year! We have a lot of exciting things planned so please stay tuned.
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
What Is the Jubilee Year and How Can We Embrace Its Graces? Every so often, the Catholic Church invites us to celebrate a special period of grace and renewal called a Jubilee Year. This tradition, deeply rooted in Scripture, is a time of spiritual growth, mercy, and renewal, offering us a chance to draw closer to God and one another. But what exactly is a Jubilee Year, and how can we participate in its blessings?
The idea of a Jubilee comes from the Old Testament. In the Book of Leviticus (25:8-13), God instructed the Israelites to observe a Jubilee every 50 years. During this time, debts were forgiven, slaves were freed, and land was restored to its original owners. It was a time of liberation, justice, and renewal—a way for God’s people to start fresh, trusting in His providence. The Church has adopted this concept in her own way. The first Christian Jubilee was proclaimed in 1300 by Pope Boniface VIII, and since then, the Church has periodically declared Jubilee Years, sometimes every 25 years or for special occasions. The most recent Jubilee was in 2015-2016, called the Jubilee of Mercy by Pope Francis.
A Jubilee Year is meant to help us experience God’s boundless mercy and love. It often includes:
• Opportunities for reconciliation: Special emphasis is placed on the Sacrament of Confession, where we can encounter God’s forgiveness in a profound way.
• Holy Doors: During a Jubilee, certain churches (often cathedrals or basilicas) have Holy Doors that are opened for the faithful. Walking through these doors is a symbolic act of leaving sin behind and entering into a new life of grace. (This year the Pope designated Holy Doors only in Rome. However the bishops have chosen parishes and shrines to be places of pilgrimage where pilgrims can receive the same blessings/indulgences).
• Indulgences: The Church offers indulgences during a Jubilee Year, which are special graces that remove the temporal punishment due to sin. These graces can also be offered for loved ones who have passed away.
The Jubilee Year isn’t just a historical or theological concept—it’s a real opportunity for each of us to encounter God in a deeper way. Here are a few ways we can take advantage of the graces offered during a Jubilee Year:
1. Seek Reconciliation: Make time to go to Confession. This sacrament is one of the greatest gifts of the Church, allowing us to start fresh with a clean heart and renewed spirit.
2. Visit a Pilgrimage Site: If a church in our area has a designated a Pilgrimage site (like ours and others), go there on a pilgrimage. Reflect on this as an act of spiritual renewal and commitment to living in God’s grace.
3. Deepen Your Prayer Life: A Jubilee is a time to reconnect with God through prayer. Whether it’s attending daily Mass, praying the rosary, or spending time in Eucharistic Adoration, these practices help us grow in holiness.
4. Perform Works of Mercy: Use this time to care for others, especially those in need. This can include visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, comforting the sorrowful, or simply offering kindness to those around you.
5. Offer Indulgences for Loved Ones: Pray for the souls in purgatory and offer indulgences for them. This act of charity connects us with the communion of saints and reminds us of our shared journey to heaven.
A Jubilee Year is an open invitation from God to experience His mercy in a deeper way. It’s like a spiritual reset button, a chance to leave behind the burdens of sin, forgive others, and live in greater harmony with God’s will. As we embrace the Jubilee, let us remember the words of Jesus: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). May this special time be one of renewal for our parish, our families, and our own hearts. Let’s take full advantage of this holy time and draw closer to the One who loves us more than we can imagine.
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
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