Dear Brothers and Sisters,
When we die, how do you want to be remembered? What will people say about our character? I’m not sure if you ever had this thought. Certainly we have spoken about others. Now, how will God remember our lives? What will Christ speak of us? What must we do to change the course of our lives?
Quite often, I meet a lot of people who are good people. They are good spouses, parents, and children. However, do they resemble God in their lives? Do people see their faces glowing? Are they slow to anger and quick to forgive? Do they have an intimate life with Christ in prayer and sacrament? We are not called to be good people. Our calling is to be a saint, and to bear the image of Christ in our lives.
This weekend we hear the passage of the transfiguration. Peter sees the glory of God as this dazzling white light. It is the same light that the women see in the angels announcing the resurrection. Moses after seeing God on Mt. Sinai, would also have this glow on his face. Some of the saints are also said to have this same glow of the love of God when caring for others. One good starting point is to look at the corporal works of mercy. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes it “consists especially in feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and burying the dead. Among all these, giving alms to the poor is one of the chief witnesses to fraternal charity: it is also a work of justice pleasing to God.”(CCC2447). Jesus Christ says that when we clothe the naked, visit those in prison, feed the hungry, it is Christ himself that we help (Mt 25:31-40). Now there are many ways to be charitable towards others. Here in the Church (on the side of the church) we have the community fridge, where it is a great way to feed the hungry. Have you ever considered cooking dinner for an extra person and putting it out there? Or even take from what is yours and share it with them? It is not a matter of giving the leftovers, or even things that you don’t like. You can fast from candy, cookies, or chocolate and share it with them. Those in need also enjoy good things. You can also contribute to Our Father’s Table and the food pantry, which also accepts donations of clothes.
Imagine if our effort could reach out to people not just in Marlboro, but throughout the whole Archdiocese of Boston. The Catholic Appeal is a way to help those in need on a larger scale, from the poor, to priests, those getting married, prison ministry, struggling parishes, and so many other ways. I have seen firsthand the impact of this campaign. It is amazing what can be done with so little. If we do so much with so little, how much more could we do with more? This weekend, the 2025 Catholic Appeal will officially launch here in our parish and across our Archdiocese. As your pastor, I hope and encourage you to join me in making a gift to this year’s Catholic Appeal. As we celebrate the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope, our participation in the Catholic Appeal signifies an important way that we can share Christ’s promise, care, and love with others. For those who have already made a gift, please know that I am deeply grateful. We are hoping to have a strong participation from our parish! Our goal this year is $ 55,500, of which we already have 27% of it. Please pray during this week for God to speak to you and help your heart to be generous next week in our pledges.
Thank you for moving us “Forward in Faith”!
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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