Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It’s the most wonderful time of the year — I’m so excited for Lent this year! Lent is more than just a time when we give up our treats; it’s an opportunity to fall in love with the Lord all over again. It’s a time for deepening our relationship with Him and with one another. The traditional Lenten practices of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving are meant to help us do just that. But how do we live them out? What do each of these practices truly mean?
Every Christian is called to follow in the steps of Jesus, which means that, like Him, we will experience both passion and resurrection. Included in this journey is the experience of temptation, just as Jesus faced temptations. The first temptation we hear about in the Gospel this Sunday is the devil’s offer for Jesus to turn stones into bread. According to the Fathers of the Church, this temptation is about avoiding suffering. After fasting for 40 days, Jesus was hungry. The devil took advantage of this by offering Jesus the chance to end His suffering by filling His belly with bread. But we know that bread is not the true source of life. While it satisfies us for a time, we will hunger again. I often think of how children sometimes fill up on junk food and then have no appetite for their main meals. The solution is to resist the snacks, and in time, real hunger will return for what nourishes us. In the same way, Lent is a time for us to fast and discover our true hunger for the Lord. Whatever source of comfort, peace, or joy you turn to outside of God, consider fasting from it. This could be something like coffee, chocolate, gossip, or complaining. Jesus invites us to hunger for Him — to discover that He is the TRUE BREAD FROM HEAVEN! Instead of spending time on screens, playing games or watching shows, take time to read and meditate on the Passion of Christ. Read the Bible. If you don’t know where to start, consider using the free subscription to (just sign up as a parishioner, then enter the Marlboro ZIP code, and our parish name will appear). This site offers a wealth of resources, from audiobooks to movies about saints, meditations, and even content for children.
The second temptation in Matthew’s Gospel is idolatry. I once heard a definition of idolatry that helped me understand it better: “Idolatry is anything outside of God where we seek happiness.” This could be affection from family members, money, possessions, sports, drinking, or anything else. The devil tries to deceive us, offering to fill what’s missing in our lives and make us happy. But Christ responds that only God is worthy of our worship and adoration. We, too, are invited to adore the Lord. Starting this week, we will have daily adoration — from 6:30-7:30 AM in the Lower Church and 6:00pm-7:00 PM in the Upper Church. God wants to give you what will truly make you happy — Himself. After adoration, we will also offer talks and confession from 7:00pm-8:00 PM in the Upper Church on Wednesdays.
In the third temptation, the devil tries to convince Jesus that He could be different from the way God made Him. He could achieve fame and power instantly, but Jesus chooses to remain faithful to God’s plan for His life. He puts God first, accepting the fragility of His own earthly existence. We, too, can follow Jesus by putting God first in our lives. One way to do this is through almsgiving. Almsgiving isn’t just about giving away spare change; it’s about choosing God over worldly comforts. For instance, instead of buying that coffee, you could give the money away to someone in need. Here in Marlboro, many people are struggling, and we’re giving out piggy banks this weekend at church to help you collect money for those in need. All the proceeds will go to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP), which desperately needs support to provide for those suffering. Almsgiving can also involve giving your time and talent. Consider greeting people at church or reaching out to others in your life. Take time to pray for them. Let us all choose to put love of God and our neighbor as top priority in our lives. Lastly, I encourage you to participate in our Trilingual Bingo on Saturday, March 22nd. It will be a wonderful opportunity for the whole parish to come together and show love for one another.
Let’s make this Lenten season a time of deep transformation as we draw closer to the Lord.
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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