Dear Brothers and Sisters,
While I was away, besides resting and praying, I spent a lot of time thinking and contemplating what the next steps should be for us here at IC. I asked the Lord multiple times, and the answer was always the same, namely, be patient! As you know, I’m not patient at all. Then what shall we do?
We will hear in the first reading this weekend the promises of the Lord to the people of Israel. When He comes, “the eyes of the blind will be opened, the ears of the deaf be cleared; then will the lame leap like a stag, then the tongue of the mute will sing….”. There are moments when we expect things to happen faster. However, the ways of the Lord are not the same as ours. Maybe the Lord will not give us what we want at all. There were a few projects and ideas that we tried to implement here in the parish, and it did not come to fruition. At least not now. Now, does it mean that we fail? Not at all. It means that the Lord had other plans. Maybe the Lord wants to reinforce what we already have in the parish. We have Saint Vincent de Paul, the Knights of Columbus, Youth Group, the Cenacle, Bible Study, Neocatechumenal Way, Adult Choir, Companions on the Journey (book club), and the Eucharistic Ministers that visit the homebound, not counting the CCD program. Soon our bereavement ministry will start along with a ministry to those retired, widows, and anyone who would like to join. The arrivals of Fr. Victor and Fr. Gabriel will also help us to be able to offer more as well. We already began talking about having some formative talks, retreats, and more. Having said this, we need to be patient to see when and how the Lord wants to act.
In the meantime, I invite all of you to pray. Ask the Lord where he is calling you to participate in the parish with what we currently have. It is also important to ask what He calls us to do. Whether to say the rosary at least once a day, read the bible for 15 minutes, visit the Blessed Sacrament more often, attend confession every month, pick up a book of a saint, or something else. It is interesting to note that Christ is always on the move in the Gospel. Very seldom you see him still, and if you do, it is only to start moving again. However, in our lives, we like to settle down, rest, and be comfortable where we are. I assume (and hope) that each of you already have your devotions that you pray daily, the sacrifices that you make secretly, the religious books that you read. Maybe it is time to start moving again, to try different things, to come out of our comfort zone. I like very much when the people who are in need bother Jesus in the most annoying way. The blind man continued to scream even after Jesus had passed. The Canaanite woman was relentlessly asking Jesus to cure her daughter. None of them were doing what they wanted, but what they needed. Then we ask ourselves again, what does the Lord want to give to us at this moment? How far are you willing to give another shot?
I noticed this past week that we have some new people coming to mass. It would be important to welcome them with a smile, introducing yourself to them. Maybe there are people that sit next to you that you never asked their name. Before moving forward, it is also important that we cover our bases first. You can also invite people in your lives to come back to Church. Why not? Maybe this is what the Lord invites us at this moment. Let us grow closer to the people that are already here. Then we will be ready to move to deeper waters. Please keep us in your prayers as we discern where the Lord wants us to go.
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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