Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is with great joy that I would like to share with you some of the testimonies of the youth that went to the pilgrimage of the March for Life. There were 40 people from our parish and we were joined with another 13 from another parish. The theme of our pilgrimage was “It is good that you exist.” With that in mind, we departed from Marlboro at 6am on Thursday Jan 18th towards the Shrine of St Frances Cabrini in NY. There we celebrated Mass and had an opportunity to listen about her life. From there we headed to Washington, where we stopped at the St. Matthew’s Cathedral for a time of praise and worship with adoration and confession. On the following day, we woke up early to go to a youth rally that had 6,000 people! There were also lots of priests and nuns there. After that, we went to the National Mall to join the march. Cardinal Sean O’Malley marched with us and he led us in the rosary as we were walking. It was one of the best pilgrimages I ever participated in. It was brief, but it felt like we were together for a month. I asked the youth to write something that I could share with you. So here are some quotes that they wrote:
“Before the pilgrimage, I didn’t feel the presence of the Holy Spirit because I was committing a lot of bad sins. At the cathedral I had the opportunity to confess and I did. I can now feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life.”
“I confessed every sin i had done and now i feel like a new person.”
“I enjoyed when we went on the march because it made me get a better understanding that abortion is not right and realize that it’s still a baby. it was such a wonderful experience.”
“This pilgrimage not only helped me increase my faith. But it also helped me understand that all lives matter and that we should stand up for those who can’t speak for themselves. It also helped me become closer to God and understand that we were all made with a purpose for our life and that it is good that we exist. For me personally this pilgrimage was a sign from God that it is time that I really focus on my faith and continue on this path to heaven. My faith is so much stronger now than it was before this trip and I am so grateful.”
“I loved the retreat and what we did on it, but what changed throughout the retreat or made me look at things in a different way were the people who went on it with me. The way they love the Lord, so openly, made me realize that I can love him so much more. So I think that this retreat was a wonderful experience in the aspect of the theme and why we went on it and for the fact that even the people that are there with you can change you.”
“The pilgrimage gave me a realization of what abortion really is. After listening to some stories about people who have had it and the regrets they had, it changed my perspective from pro-choice to pro-life”
“I returned so happy and very loved by God, I had a great opportunity to talk to God and tell him everything I wanted. The event not only showed me that abortion is not the way to go, but it also showed me that my life has a meaning and that God himself put me on earth. I came back very happy to have had the opportunity to really only talk to him and only to him in that chapel, because there I was not distracted by the world outside, because the world outside does not have great news to bring us, only God. God will always be the one who will satisfy you. I invite all those who have not yet gone, because it will be the most memorable memory of your life, it will be an unforgettable experience.”
This is only a little summary of some of the experiences that they shared. We would like to thank everyone who prayed for us, and those who helped us financially. A special word to the Knights of Columbus for their support. We look forward to attending next year’s March for Life.
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
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Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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