Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The world today is very confusing. Everything is polarized between the extremes. The TRUTH has disappeared and we are left with sociological constructs of what “most” people agreed to be the common view on different subjects. Although this new “truth” is decided by a few people, we are thrown into all this confusion. However, where do we stand in all of it? Do we agree with society or are we ready to make a stand?
The very first thing we need to do is to read the context in which we live. The Judeo-Christian society in which we grew up that held morals and had a pretty good grasp of what was right and wrong has almost disappeared. Many values were rewritten and spread so far and wide that has convinced us that bad things are “not so bad.” The content on TV and movies have brainwashed all of us to a new order of life. The consequence of consumerism is to desire what we don’t have, as if having it, it would make us happy. Putting all these elements together, it makes it very difficult for us to navigate in this world.
The second step is to become aware of what is happening in our surroundings and look back to Christ. He is the only TRUTH. However, we cannot look at Christ with the mentality of the world. Much less can we look at him with the projects and desires of our lives in our heads. Otherwise the Christ that we find is not the one of the Gospels, but rather the one of our imagination. Jesus invites us to love God with ALL our hearts, minds, and lives. It means that we are called to leave behind our personal desires, the projections that we have for our families, and accept with open arms what He gives us.
All these ideas bring us to the conclusion that we almost prefer to live the life of the world instead that of God. The main reason behind that is because we all like comfort and pleasure, and run away from any sufferings. We cannot understand or accept the sufferings, much less the cross. We forget about heaven and only look for our life on earth. It is a similar situation in which the apostles find themselves in the Gospel this weekend. They are blinded with the suffering of Jesus. The Messiah was supposed to throw the Romans out of Israel. He was supposed to be a ruler like David, strong and powerful. Instead, they find themselves confused with the image of the humble Christ who came to serve and not to be served. They cannot understand why Jesus had to suffer on the cross. Although the risen Christ appeared to them multiple times, they were still blind. We will hear this weekend, like the disciples of Emmaus, how Christ opened their eyes to understand the scriptures, “that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead…for the forgiveness of sins.” It is only by the crucifixion that Christ can love his Father with all his heart, mind, and life. It is by His suffering that He redeems all our suffering. It is by His death that we can have life everlasting. It is by his cross and resurrection that we can go to heaven. Therefore, we are called to step out of the world, of our thoughts and projects, in order to understand Jesus. He will say at the end of the Gospel that we the apostles (and us) are witnesses of all of it. Suffering, as inconvenient as it may be, is redemptive. There is a new way of living. Christ is not a ghost or a utopian. He comes to give us life, and life to its fullness/more abundantly (Jn 10:10). I hope you all have experienced that in some capacity. And if we have experienced that, then we are also called to be witnesses in the world. It is not a matter of politics and protests. Rather a new way of life that becomes attractive to the people around us. This is how the apostles evangelized. That is how the Roman Empire converted. This is the only hope that we have for our families and for the world. CHRIST IS RISEN AND HE DIES NO MORE, ALLELUIA.
Do not be afraid, brothers and sisters, to look and defend THE TRUTH. In the midst of all the confusion in the world, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He makes our path clear, and enlightens everything for us. This is the treasure that is buried in the field from the parable of Jesus. When we find it, we are called to sell all that we have to buy that field. This is what the saints have discovered and witnessed to us. This is nothing crazy. Remember, crazy is not to do that!
God Bless,
Fr Steven
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
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