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From Father Steven - March 17, 2024

Father Steven Clemence • March 15, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Every Easter Christ makes himself present in a special way, through his death and resurrection. The Jews celebrate the Passover feast not as a reminder of what happened in Exodus. Rather, they celebrate their own personal passage from slavery to freedom. We know that on the Passover night, the Hebrews were ready to leave Egypt. Now with Easter approaching, we need to ask ourselves, are we ready to do Passover? Are we ready to leave the slavery of our own sins to be able to join in the Resurrection of Christ?


In Theology we believe that grace is not magic. It requires the person to be open to it, to desire it, and to leave behind whatever is blocking it. God wants to bestow on us many graces. God wants to give His infinite love that we long so much without realizing. However, in order to do that, it is necessary to realize that we need these love/graces. This is the reason why God at times allows us to go through some sufferings, precariousness, difficulties. We need to be convinced that we need His help. The Jews believe that this is the reason why God hardened the heart of Pharaoh and sent him the ten plagues. Once the Israelites saw that, they were convinced that God was the only one that could help them in their sufferings. Then they cried out and God heard them. The first step of receiving God’s graces is to be open to it. Then, realizing our needs, we can cry out, that is, to desire to receive them. The third and last step is to remove whatever impediments that block God’s grace to reach out to us. This is the renunciation and rejection of sin. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes the consequence of sin as turning away man from God. Then we need to turn back to God. Ultimately is a choice of our own (distorted) desire instead of doing God’s will. Thus, we need to reconnect with God, and reestablish the desire to do His will. The way we know for sure that God forgives sins is through the sacrament…because he said so.


Once I heard that God is always pouring graces upon us like the rain that drops from the sky. We are like containers that collect them. However, what is collected is according to the size of the recipient. If we have a small cup, we will collect very little. However, if we have a swimming pool size tank, imagine how many graces we could collect. There is a small “if” in there. If there are holes in the containers, as big as they can be, it won’t hold any water. Confession then comes to cover the holes created by sin. The sacraments and our will/desire for God are like enlarging the containers. Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters to seek the sacrament of reconciliation (confession) before Easter. To accommodate everyone, we will have three evenings of Penance Services (confessions) next week. These services will begin with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, scripture readings, and a brief reflection, followed by confession times. We will have additional priests to assist. The schedule is as follows:


· Monday: Spanish, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

· Tuesday: Portuguese, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

·  Wednesday: English, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (following the 6pm Taize Prayer service)


St Paul urges us to be reconciled with God…[because] now is the day of Salvation (2 Co 5:20, 6:2). He adds that we are children of the light, and not of the darkness (1 Th 5:5). The night is far spent, and the day is approaching. Christ the new light is coming to save us from our sins and give us a new life through His death and resurrection. Finally, St. Paul says, awake you who slumber (those whose sins are seen as sleeping) (Rm 13:11). It is now the time for us to leave behind our slavery to sin, to live for ourselves, to be open to the graces that God wants to give us, to open our hearts to receive His infinite love. Let us not harden our hearts as Pharaoh did. Let us go to Christ. “He who is in Christ is a new Creation. The old things have passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Co 5:17).


God Bless,

Fr. Steven


By Father Steven Clemence February 21, 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters, This week’s readings urge us to love our neighbors. It is certainly not easy, but not impossible either. Let us reflect on what God is asking us and how we can do it. The greatest and most important tenet of our faith, and the first commandment is to love God and Him alone. The other day someone came to my office asking how we can love God. There are many ways to love God, talking to Him, listening to what He has to tell us, and putting into practice what He revealed to us. Another way we have to love God is to love everything that he created and to love Him in other people. Sometimes we don’t see God in other people. We forget that every single person was created in His image and likeness. Therefore, God can be seen in each person. Surely if we look at a person’s actions, we might not see God. However, He is present in that person in one way or another. Then, it flows from there what Christ will tell us what the other commandment is, “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mt22:39) One important observation is that these are not merely laws or suggestions which we can follow or break. The Jews see the 10 commandments as the “words of Life.” That is, these are the words that give us (eternal) life. Sometimes we understand only the legality of the law. We don’t understand the spirit through which it was passed onto us. A father does not have to create a law for his children saying that it is wrong to stick the finger into a power outlet. He teaches his children that it will hurt them if they do that. God in his pedagogy with the people of Israel and by extension with ourselves, he also teaches us what to do and what to avoid. These teachings that are meant to help lead us to heaven are handed down to us through the optic of the legal/judiciary mentality of the Roman Law. It is no longer a matter of doing the will of God or following the path to holiness, but rather to follow the dictate of the law. Returning to the original topic of our reflection, we can now read that through a different way. The love of the other person, it is no longer a matter of personal preference, but rather, it is a path to salvation. It is interesting to observe that Christ will say to “love” one another. He never said that we have to like other people. Then he adds on, love “as I have loved you.” (Jn 13:34). Here we qualify what kind of love we are to give, that is, the same that we have received. Then the moment that we understand that by loving each other is the path to salvation, why should we not do it? What could prevent us from loving the other? Of course, to love the people that love us is easy, and to love the ones that are good to us is also natural. However, what about loving the people that persecute, hurt, and despise us? Let us look at St. Stephen while he is being stoned, or St Paul as he writes to the persecuted Christian community of Rome “bless those who persecute you.” (12:14). There are so many other testimonies of countless Christians that showed love to their executioners. Then, again, why should we not follow their example? One may add that he does not have the graces or he is not a saint like them, which is a valid response. I insist on asking the same question, what prevents us from being like them? We were all created in the same image and likeness of God. We all received the same Holy Spirit. We all received the same blessings through the sacraments. In this Jubilee year, God wants to give many special graces. These graces are all means to help us to go to heaven by putting into practice that which God has called us. That is why we will be doing many activities this year to help flourish the graces in us and reject sin and the disordered desire for worldly things. I would even dare to say that God allows difficult people in our lives as a way to help us, not the contrary. In the life of St. Therese of Lisieux, we learn how challenging her mother superior was and how providential she was to make her a saint. Then, starting in Lent, we invite you to come to adoration and take advantage of the sacrament of confession Monday, Wednesday, Friday in English, Tuesday in Spanish, Thursday in Portuguese (Monday to Friday 6-7pm). We are also preparing talks every week where everyone is welcome to attend. God Bless, Fr. Steven
By Father Steven Clemence February 14, 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope these recent bulletins have helped you look forward to this Jubilee Year. Many exciting events are coming up to help us receive the special graces that this year offers. Before diving into what we, as a parish, have planned, I would like to make one final observation. The Church has restored the Jubilee to help us receive the graces necessary for our sanctification. However, these graces are not given magically - they require a disposition of heart, an openness to receive them, and a willingness to put them into action. These special graces are meant to help us grow in the divine nature we received at baptism and continue to nourish through the sacraments. But as the challenges of the spiritual life increase, so does our soul’s need for strength and renewal. Indulgences and the other spiritual opportunities we will have this year serve as a means to detach ourselves from worldly distractions and remove what hinders our full communion with God and one another. In a way, they are like spiritual supplements that help our souls function properly and bear the fruits that God has planted in us - the fruits of the Spirit. As Archbishop Henning has chosen our parish to be a pilgrimage site, we will have both regional and parish-level events. I have been asked to help guide parishioners in their desire to draw closer to the Lord and to provide meaningful opportunities to satisfy that longing. As a parish, we will launch the Jubilee Year with a trilingual Mass on March 1st at 4:00 PM , followed by a brief time of adoration and a fellowship gathering with appetizers. As we enter Lent the following week, starting March 10th , we will begin offering daily adoration from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM (in addition to our morning adoration from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM). Confessions will be available during adoration. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in English, Tuesdays in Spanish and Thursdays in Portuguese. Note: This will be our new confession times and will replace the Tuesday, 5:00pm - 6:00pm confession for the time being. Additionally, we will have a weekly talk every Wednesday after adoration on various topics. These talks will be led by different members of our parish and the archdiocese. Spanish talks will be held on Tuesdays, and Portuguese talks on Thursdays. The goal is to encourage participation, rekindle our faith, and deepen our spiritual lives. We have three committees - one for each language - working on more events, including a Parish Recollection Day and retreats. We will have a 24Hr Adoration at the end of March. We are also exploring the possibility of organizing a local pilgrimage later in the year. To foster fellowship and strengthen our community, we are planning a trilingual bingo night on March 22nd. While some details are still being finalized, we encourage you to save the date! We also hope to host two Fish Fry events during Lent, with dates to be announced soon. Brothers and sisters, all of these efforts are meant to draw us closer to Christ. They help us recognize our deep thirst for His love, and by satisfying that thirst, we can share it with others, no matter who they are. We are all called to spread God’s love and fulfill the mission Christ gave us: “Go and make disciples of all nations!” Let us take advantage of the opportunities before us and make the most of them! I also invite you to pray for these initiatives, that they may bring many people back to the Lord and reignite His fire in our hearts. God Bless, Fr. Steven
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