Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As we commemorate Palm Sunday, we reflect on Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. There are a few elements I wish to reflect with you.
The individuals who greeted Jesus were not Jerusalem's residents but rather a "crowd of people who had come up for the festival" (John 12:12-13). These pilgrims, departing from their homes to seek God in Jerusalem's Temple, recognized Jesus as the Messiah because they were receptive to God's grace. Their pursuit of God led them to abandon worldly desires and comforts.
The word "Hosanna" originates from Hebrew and signifies a cry for salvation or deliverance. It can be translated as "Lord, please come to save us" or "come to deliver us, I pray." When the people acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah, they cried out for deliverance from oppression.
It has an undertone of the prayers of the Hebrews when they were enslaved in Egypt asking God to free them from the oppression of the Pharaoh. Today we use that expression in the mass right before consecration. The meaning behind is to ask the Lord who is about to be present sacramentally in His Body and Blood to be delivered from our slaveries. It is a cry to be delivered from our sins. Easter comes to rescue us from the slavery of the Devil through sin and pass over to the freedom of Christ by grace.
Christ's choice to ride a donkey, rather than a white horse, is significant. Horses symbolize worldly power and oppression; both the Romans and Egyptians employed horses to instill fear. The people anticipated a Messiah who would lead Israel militarily, like a new King David. However, Christ's donkey ride signifies that His kingdom transcends worldly power; His strength lies in redeeming humanity through His death and resurrection. St. Paul writes to the Philippians, [Christ] humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross (2:8).
Upon Jesus’s arrival Jerusalem was “shaken”/”the city was in turmoil.” (Mt 21:10) This is a very interesting detail that often is overlooked. When the Magi came to Jerusalem at the birth of Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew says that Herod and the whole city of Jerusalem were “greatly troubled.”(2:3) They wanted to defend their kingdom. As they felt threatened then by a baby, so now again by a man riding a donkey. Yet, Christ's purpose was not to disrupt but to offer abundant life. His resurrection promises eternal life and the capacity for love, even amid suffering. Not as the world sees it, maybe with its comfort, nice and quiet. Jesus on Easter offers us Eternal Life. It means that man is only capable of love. The only response that comes from the heart of the redeemed man is to love, even in the darkest moments. This is what the saints experienced, and why they were able to forgive those who would torture them. St. Maximilian Kolbe’s only response, in the concentration camp of Auschwitz, was love and forgiveness.
The same Sunday that we proclaim the triumphant entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem we also proclaim the first account of his Passion (Matthew, Mark or Luke). Christ enters Jerusalem knowing His mission—to suffer and die for humanity's salvation. Multiple times He announces to his disciples the need for the Son of Man to be delivered in the hands of the elders, to suffer, and die in order to save us. Nothing will deter Him from doing the will of the Father. Scripture will say that it was the people of Jerusalem who will condemn him to die, not the pilgrims. Sometimes we hear that the people who welcome Jesus later will crucify him. It is those who reject Christ or pursue their own will may ultimately crucify Him. Those who encounter Christ, like the pilgrims return home transformed as their attitudes change, and their behaviors are different.
As we enter this Holy Week, let us prioritize God above all else. Let us participate fully in Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday, even if it requires taking time off. May we follow Christ's example, walking in His footsteps, sharing in His Cross, and ultimately rejoicing in His Resurrection and life. “Let us commemorate the Lord’s entry into the city for our salvation, following his footsteps, so that, being made by his grace partakes of the Cross, we may have a share also in his Resurrection and in his life.” (Opening Prayer of Palm Sunday).
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
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