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From Father Steven - March 2, 2025

Father Steven Clemence • February 28, 2025

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Church is not about “me”…it is about “us”…at least it should be. In a recent conversation this topic came up. We all know about it, however, we don’t do anything to change it. We walk into church, we smile to those around us, and we sit, we say our prayers, and leave. Maybe when we leave, we smile back at that person and that’s it. Look how many people have been sitting next to you for years and you still don’t know their names. You know who they are, but you don’t KNOW them. Isn't that true? If so, what can we do to change it? Maybe it is time to come out of our comfort zone. Maybe this would be a good Lenten practice. 

In 1979 Pope Saint John Paul II visited the US shortly after becoming pope. In one of his speeches, he said that in the modern world, especially in cities, there is a tendency to anonymity. There is no longer a community, but rather a collection of individuals. He opposed that view urging the Church to become a community where individuals are not just faceless members of society, but are known, loved, and valued by God. The only way to accomplish this is through getting to know each other. There are many new faces in the Church recently that I’m afraid are not welcomed by those sitting next to them. It is not only a matter of social ethics, but why wouldn’t we welcome someone new who comes to our house? I just hope they don’t dare to sit on your spot. But, again, why wouldn’t we give our place to someone who feels a bit lost and afraid of taking someone’s seat. Let us welcome them and help them to make IC their new home.

I would like to share a story with you of how this happened here at the parish. There was a man who always came by himself and sat at the same pew next to a couple who also came by themselves. One day this couple reached out to him and asked his name. Since then, they became “pew-mates,” and there a friendship was formed. This couple also reached out to the family sitting in front of them, and more friendships were formed. So much so, that they became almost a big family, participating in each other’s important moments. Recently, he passed away. He was not a stranger or anonymous. Them, along with a couple of other people were the only ones who showed up at his funeral. Isn’t that sad? Shouldn’t more people have participated in his life? This is one story, but I dare to assume that this is the case with most of us. 

Let this be our Lenten Mission here at IC. Let us get to know our pew-mates and beyond. Starting this week, WHEN YOU COME TO CHURCH, GREET AND INTRODUCE YOURSELVES TO THOSE AROUND YOU even if you have to slide a couple of feet to talk to the person at the end of the pew. Let us no longer be a collection of individuals who come to the same place to do the same thing. Instead, let us become a community of brothers & sisters and not strangers. You never know what kind of friendships would be formed. Maybe you get to know a person who one day will be the governor, a nun, the pope, or even a saint. And you can contribute to their journey fulfilling their mission.

Lastly, I would like to encourage you to take advantage of the upcoming Jubilee talks we will have this upcoming year. We will begin on Wednesday March 12th 7-8pm. Check the website for more updates! We will have a tab with the information about Jubilee activities. 


God Bless,

Fr. Steven


By Father Steven Clemence March 28, 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters, This weekend, we will hear the story of the prodigal son—a story familiar to us all. However, I would like to share a few insights with you as we reflect on this powerful parable. A few years ago, while meditating on this passage, I began to wonder why the father would give his money to his son. Perhaps the natural reaction would be to refuse or to send the son away empty-handed. If we were in his shoes, we might think, "Who does this rebellious son of mine think he is, demanding the money I earned through hard work and leaving us behind? If he wants to leave, he knows where the door is." However, that is not the attitude of this father. It took me a while to understand how the father could so gently give his money to his son and allow him to leave. I am no philosopher or theologian, but it seems the father understands that love cannot be forced. Love is an act of the will, and without freedom, there is no love. This principle underlies the gift of free will that God has given us. Despite everything God provides—a world we did not create, families given to us, and the gift of salvation through Christ—we remain free to take our blessings and walk away. In the face of our stubbornness, God can do nothing but love us. Just as the father left the door open for his son's return, God always leaves a door open for us to return to Him. Another element to consider in this story is that the son may have been deceived. We are quick to judge him, but we often fail to understand what led him to make such a drastic decision. What might have influenced him to leave everything behind? Was it the persuasion of friends turning him against his family? Did the allure of worldly pleasures make him believe he would find greater happiness elsewhere? Or perhaps he felt useless in his father's house—comparing himself to his brother or believing he was such a disappointment that he no longer belonged. These inner struggles are difficult to understand, and I realize it is becoming increasingly challenging to comprehend the thoughts of today's youth. Their understanding of reality often differs greatly from our own, making them more vulnerable to feelings of exclusion. The pressures they face—to act or appear a certain way—can become overwhelmingly burdensome. This parable also invites us to be less judgmental of others. If you knew the prodigal son and his family, what would you have said to him as he walked away? Many of us might have spoken harshly or dismissed him. Yet, how would we react if we only encountered him on his return? It is the same person, but our responses would likely be very different. This story reminds us to approach others with compassion and understanding, no matter where they are on their journey. Finally, I would like to reflect on the pivotal moment when the son decided to return home. He endured great suffering and lost everything he had. The weight of shame must have been immense. Yet, nothing prevented him from returning to his house. Deep within, he knew his father would welcome him. I hope we all share this same trust in God's mercy. There is always an opportunity to confess our sins and return to the Father's house. Like the prodigal son, let us rise, leave behind the land of darkness, and speak to the Father. We know how He will receive us—with open arms and the joyous feast of the fattened calf, which ultimately points to the gift of His only Son, Jesus Christ. May we never hesitate to return to the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father. Please consider attending one of our Wednesday Jubilee talks, as we will be covering some of these topics in our upcoming talks. We also have adoration everyday 6:00pm-7:00pm with the opportunity to go to confession with various priests as well. God Bless, Fr. Steven
By Father Steven Clemence March 21, 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Have you ever felt the weight of past mistakes pressing down on your heart, leading to sadness or hopelessness? The sacrament of confession, also known as reconciliation, offers a transformative path toward healing and renewal. As a priest, I assure you, our focus in confession is not on remembering your sins but on offering God’s forgiveness and guiding you back to the light. I want to share with you how to prepare for and experience the grace of confession. The first step is recognizing that Christ entrusted His apostles, beginning with Peter, with the authority to forgive sins. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them” (Jn 20:23). This power, given to Peter and passed down through the bishops, has been entrusted to us priests. We act in Christ’s name to offer forgiveness. As St. Augustine reminds us, “The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works” (Sermon 13.1). St. John Chrysostom also teaches, “Let us not be ashamed to confess our sins, but let us be ashamed of our sins” (Homily 3 on Matthew). This sacrament invites us to acknowledge our failings, that God may heal and renew us. Preparing for confession is an act of humility and grace. As we approach the sacrament, we should ask the Holy Spirit for help. The Holy Spirit comforts us, dispels our fears, and leads us back to God with hope. Like the prodigal son returning home, we too can experience the embrace of our Heavenly Father. Sin separates us from God, but reconciliation through confession restores us to Him. This sacrament is aptly named because it heals the rift caused by sin and restores our relationship with God. The process begins with an examination of conscience. Reflect prayerfully on your actions since your last confession. You can use guides available on our website under the sacraments section to help recall your sins. Whether you focus on the Ten Commandments or the Seven Deadly Sins, the goal is to remember your sins as best as you can. As St. Ambrose said, “Confession is the way to freedom.” Reflecting on our sins is not an exercise in shame, but an opportunity for growth. It’s natural to feel remorse, but we should also be grateful for the grace of recognizing our faults and the opportunity to be forgiven. With a resolve to abandon sin, we are then ready to approach the sacrament. If you have not confessed in a while, I recommend scheduling an appointment. This will give you time to reflect and prepare. When you come to confession, begin with the sign of the cross and say, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been ___ amount of time since my last confession, and these are my sins.” You may also share your marital status and whether you have children living with you, so the priest can best serve you. When confessing, there is no need to go into explicit detail—simply name the sin and its frequency. If you have forgotten any sins, say, “For these sins and the ones I don’t remember, I am sorry.” The priest will offer words of encouragement and may assign a penance. This penance is not a punishment, but a way to heal spiritually and undo the damage caused by sin. It strengthens you to resist sin in the future. Afterward, you will say the Act of Contrition: “O my God, I am sorry for my sins. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.” As St. Teresa of Avila reminds us, “The one who has been forgiven much loves much.” Finally, the priest will pronounce the words of absolution in the person of Christ: “I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” With this, your sins are forgiven, and you are made new, filled with joy and peace. As St. John Paul II said, “Confession is the door through which we enter into the embrace of God’s mercy.” Confessions are available here at the parish Monday through Friday from 6 to 7pm (along with adoration), Saturdays from 1–3 pm (in the lower church), or by scheduling an appointment at the office. May you experience the peace and freedom that come with reconciliation, and may your hearts be filled with renewed hope as you begin anew. God Bless, Fr. Steven
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