Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Church is not about “me”…it is about “us”…at least it should be. In a recent conversation this topic came up. We all know about it, however, we don’t do anything to change it. We walk into church, we smile to those around us, and we sit, we say our prayers, and leave. Maybe when we leave, we smile back at that person and that’s it. Look how many people have been sitting next to you for years and you still don’t know their names. You know who they are, but you don’t KNOW them. Isn't that true? If so, what can we do to change it? Maybe it is time to come out of our comfort zone. Maybe this would be a good Lenten practice.
In 1979 Pope Saint John Paul II visited the US shortly after becoming pope. In one of his speeches, he said that in the modern world, especially in cities, there is a tendency to anonymity. There is no longer a community, but rather a collection of individuals. He opposed that view urging the Church to become a community where individuals are not just faceless members of society, but are known, loved, and valued by God. The only way to accomplish this is through getting to know each other. There are many new faces in the Church recently that I’m afraid are not welcomed by those sitting next to them. It is not only a matter of social ethics, but why wouldn’t we welcome someone new who comes to our house? I just hope they don’t dare to sit on your spot. But, again, why wouldn’t we give our place to someone who feels a bit lost and afraid of taking someone’s seat. Let us welcome them and help them to make IC their new home.
I would like to share a story with you of how this happened here at the parish. There was a man who always came by himself and sat at the same pew next to a couple who also came by themselves. One day this couple reached out to him and asked his name. Since then, they became “pew-mates,” and there a friendship was formed. This couple also reached out to the family sitting in front of them, and more friendships were formed. So much so, that they became almost a big family, participating in each other’s important moments. Recently, he passed away. He was not a stranger or anonymous. Them, along with a couple of other people were the only ones who showed up at his funeral. Isn’t that sad? Shouldn’t more people have participated in his life? This is one story, but I dare to assume that this is the case with most of us.
Let this be our Lenten Mission here at IC. Let us get to know our pew-mates and beyond. Starting this week, WHEN YOU COME TO CHURCH, GREET AND INTRODUCE YOURSELVES TO THOSE AROUND YOU even if you have to slide a couple of feet to talk to the person at the end of the pew. Let us no longer be a collection of individuals who come to the same place to do the same thing. Instead, let us become a community of brothers & sisters and not strangers. You never know what kind of friendships would be formed. Maybe you get to know a person who one day will be the governor, a nun, the pope, or even a saint. And you can contribute to their journey fulfilling their mission.
Lastly, I would like to encourage you to take advantage of the upcoming Jubilee talks we will have this upcoming year. We will begin on Wednesday March 12th 7-8pm. Check the website for more updates! We will have a tab with the information about Jubilee activities.
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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