Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today is EASTER, the most solemn day of the year! We celebrate Jesus, who was crucified on Good Friday, and mourned on Holy Saturday. But today we celebrate with the angels that CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS ALIVE!
In the beginning, we read in Genesis, there darkness. But God created light. Today, sin may seem to reign over the earth, a new light appears. Christ's resurrection is like a new creation. St. Paul says, "the old has gone, the new has come" (2 Corinthians 5:17). Christ offers us new life! One of the hardest things about sin is the disappointment we feel when we fail again. Despite our promises and desires to change, we often find ourselves stuck in the same patterns. We hurt people we love and feel terrible about ourselves. We keep promising to change, but we fall back into the same sins. We feel defeated. We just accept it as a condition of our lives. But today is different! Jesus' death pays for our sins, and His resurrection gives us new life! He breaks the chains of sin that have held us captive. Jesus is Alive! He comes to meet us today!
The Gospels tell the story of women and disciples who find Jesus' tomb empty with Jesus’ burial cloths on the ground. A large stone blocked the entrance. In our lives, there may be big obstacles that keep us from living the life God wants for us. Whether it is a sin or a trauma, we cannot get past them. Instead, we adapt ourselves to live enclosed in a tomb. But today, God removes the stone! He offers us the chance to move from death to life with Christ. Like Jesus we can rise from darkness of sin to the light of love. What seems impossible for us is possible for the Risen Lord. Today Christ enters into our tombs, and opens the way for us. He conquers death, and comes to take us to Passover from death to Life, from darkness to light, from sin to grace. Courage Brothers and Sisters, Pharaoh was defeated, the Red Sea was opened, let us take the opportunity to leave behind all our slavery and fears!
Easter is a celebration of freedom! You are invited to join us in a special retreat on April 20th with Deacon Joe Cooley here in the parish. The "Unbound: Freedom in Christ" conference offers us an opportunity to experience true liberation and healing in areas of our lives where we still struggle. These sins, habits, trauma, and bondages are the devil’s door to tempt us to think and act as though we were still slaves held in bondage. Deliverance is removing the power of the lies so that we can hear the voice of our Father that has always been speaking deep within. Freedom is to live as a beloved child of God. It is where broken humanity is healed. This is what we celebrate on Easter! Join us on this adventure as we enter deeper into freedom together. It has changed the lives of many people beyond what words can express and I am confident the Lord wants similar for you! You can sign up at the parish office or directly at the website The cost is $40 per person (second family member is $20, and third is free). You can also sign up using the QR code on the eighth page of the bulletin. Note that this conference is for individuals and families but may be too much teaching for small children. Parents can learn and teach their younger children. The prayer that you will learn is appropriate for all ages.
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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