Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We all have heard the saying, “we are what we eat.” Although this phrase was coined about 200 years ago, it still holds true today. In a world saturated with digital content, we are shaped not only by the food we consume but also by the information we take in. This begs the question: what kind of material are we bringing into our lives? How does our time balance between work, family, social media, and our relationship with God?
Recently, while speaking to a group of young adults, I was struck by the sheer amount of time they admitted to spending on their phones. Whether it’s for work, social media, games, watching series, or other forms of entertainment, it quickly adds up. One of the group members commented, “Imagine what we could do with all that time if it were used for the right things.” We all laughed, but the comment really made me think. It’s true! Think about all those hours spent passively consuming: behind screens, watching TV, mindlessly scrolling through social media, or doing other activities that don’t really add value to our lives. Surely it is important to have some recreation time, but it can’t be too much! Imagine if we were to dedicate that time to reading books, we would be so much more knowledgeable. If we were to help other people, we would become so much more generous. Now imagine if we dedicated all that time towards God! Whether studying the bible (or just reading it), praying the rosary daily, immersing ourselves in the lives of the saints. Imagine attending daily Mass or simply visiting the Blessed Sacrament – how profoundly different our lives would be! If we are to spend eternity with God, should we not be preparing ourselves actively for heaven a bit more? Sometimes we can settle for so little, when the Lord wants to give us so much!!! It is true that there are other important tasks to be done daily, but why is prayer and God not our top priorities?
I often tell the youth that there are 1,440 minutes in a day. How much do we dedicate to God? If we were to pray for 2 hours daily, that would be only less than 10% of our day. However, if we pray 14 minutes, that is actually 1%...I believe that Jesus needs more than that. Actually, WE are the ones that need more than that. Surely that 2 hours straight can be a lot, but if we spread through the day, it would not be too much. If I were to tell you that this year you will eat almost 2,000 pounds of food, you would say that is impossible. Even to think that we consume an average of 4.5 pounds a day is a lot. However, slowly as we eat here and there, we get to that amount. The same is with prayer.
We are what we eat, and in the same way, we are what we consume in terms of information and time. Just as we need to be mindful of what we put into our bodies, we must also be careful about what we expose ourselves to and how we spend our time. The people around you need you, whether family, friends, or neighbors. We also need God and our holy friends (the saints). Therefore, I invite you to reconsider some of your agenda. Let us give our priorities to God and His will. As the Gospel invites us this weekend, let us give Him our all!!! Like the two widows who gave all they had, and they were not lacking, let us do the same. We have some incredible opportunities coming up! Every day we have Adoration 6:30-7:30am in the lower church. Daily Mass is 7:30-8:00am every single day (we have a no-cancellation policy). The Church is open every day from 6:00am-6:00pm. This Sunday November 10th we have 24Hr Adoration starting at 6:00pm until 6:00pm on Monday. This Tuesday we have a Sacred Music Concert by Harpa Dei at 7:00pm (Mass and Adoration). On Wednesday our Senior Group (which is open to all adults who want to participate) will be meeting for the first time 10:00am-12:00pm. On there are some great contents to watch/listen to help you. In a few weeks we have the Night of Praise and Thanksgiving on November 21st. As we feed our bodies properly, let us also feed our souls with good stuff!!!
Finally, as we approach Veteran’s Day this week, I want to take a moment to thank all our brothers and sisters who have made countless sacrifices while serving our country. May God bless you a hundredfold for your generosity. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
God Bless,
Fr. Steven
Immaculate Conception Office
9 Washington Court
Marlborough, MA 01752
office: 508-485-0016
email: Parish Office
Opening Hours:
Mon. - Fri.: 9:00am - 5:00pm
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